Mudbridge Project

Mudbridge is a text adventure / FPS hybrid suitable for teaching programming concepts as pure data free from the distractions of graphics while being able to connect the text adventure world to the FPS world on computers that you can sit at and interact with.

Mudbridge is one of Gamebridge Unityversity‘s group projects.


Clone it from the Bitbucket Repository

  1. Go to the Mudbridge Bitbucket repository.
  2. Install SourceTree or other Git client.
  3. Click the down arrow button to clone it and tell SourceTree where to put it.
  4. Open Unity, click Open Project, and click Other… then point it at the directory.
  5. Go to _MUDBRIDGE / Scenes  and load the scene.
  6. Click play.

Fork it

If you’d like to make changes to Mudbridge or make your own project based on it, feel free to fork the project and let us know what improvements you make so we can incorporate them into the package.

Changing the MUD world

You can change the MUD world by altering the GameModule.cs instances, all of which add their contents to the main game’s data. This pattern allows for collaboration amongst multiple developers whose game modules combine into a bigger game.

Crosshair Trigger

CrosshairTrigger.cs is a script that makes things into labeled targets that you can activate by clicking in a first-person controller. Activating the computer is done with a trigger, as is sitting in the chair in front of the computer and opening the door.


  • TODO: Fix scrolling overflow bug.
  • TODO: Fix clip off at some aspect ratios.
  • TODO: Need to make game open the door.
  • TODO: Upload a web build and Unitypackage version.

Update log

Sept 2 2016: First packaged release

First post of packaged MUDBRIDGE files. Still has a scrolling overflow bug and clips off at some aspect ratios. Need to make game open the door.

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