Unityversity Santa Clara Sundays at Hacker Dojo [HISTORIC]

UPDATE: This event is no longer running at Hacker Dojo. Gamebridge Unityversity Santa Clara Sundays were weekly every Sunday at Hacker Dojo from 12-6PM in addition to the long-running Gamebridge San Francisco. WHAT Free weekly game dev & VR classes for teens, all ages beginners and bootcampers WHEN Every Sunday from 12-6PM: 12-2 PM: For ages…


VRBridge is the virtual and augmented reality learning group of Gamebridge Unityversity Noisebridge Hackerspace. WHAT: VRBridge is the Noisebridge virtual and augmented reality learning group and is part of the Gamebridge game development group. We communicate on Noisebridge Slack on #vr. We have an HTC Vive VR headset and a number of Google Cardboard headsets…

Game Demo Night 2016: Noisebridge Unityversity Bootcampers present their games

Meet Gamebridge Unityversity’s first ever cohort of Noisebridge Bootcampers and play their games! WHAT: Gamebridge Unityversity Bootcamp Demo Night: Play our games! PARTY: Laserbridge: Noisebridge Hackerspace’s lasery Halloween costume benefit! WHO: Do you like games, costumes, hackerspaces, and LASERS? WHEN: Saturday Oct 29 7PM-11PM during the Laserbridge party at Noisebridge WHERE: Noisebridge.net Hackerspace at 2169 Mission St. San Francisco CA 94110 GAMES: Itch.io…

Simbridge Hackerspace Simulator

Simbridge is an FPS/VR simulation of Noisebridge Hackerspace. It exists to share what hackerspaces are about with those who haven’t been to one like Noisebridge yet and to showcase creative projects. UPDATED: Now with Matterport scanned 3D model mode Simulated Stations The simulation of learning activity stations within the space such as 3D printers, soldering…